Sunday, October 12, 2008


got the fruit leather right this time! apple blackberry. the seeds are unfortunate...maybe next time i should strain those out...that sounds fun/potentially dangerous.

another small guy of tom. sauce.

2nd round of seitan jerky...we should try some with liquid smoke next time. and maybe something citrus-y.

stan has gotten almost all of the porch done! i want to have cat races. right now,there is just the outline of the porch.and the cats tip-toe around it to get to the door(they aren't used to using the side-door) and it's cute and i totally want to have races. even though he's a spaz and would probably cheat,i want euronymous to be my team captain. i wonder if i have a cat-track-suit in my cat-clothes collection? i'm thinking i would remember if i did...little cat-leg-warmers!!!
1-2-3-4 feel the burn!! okokok time to stop being crazy.

i finally gathered the sunflower seeds out of one of the big guys and aside from the seeds that i am saving to plants next year(i'm gonna plant a lot of sunflowers,everywhere) i've got about a quarter of a smarty-pants* to roast/eat/whatever one does with a ton of sunflower seeds. there are still like 3 big ones left standing,but i like watching the birds swoop down and eat the seeds,so i'm willing to let those go.
i need a nap.

*a smarty-pants is about a quart

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