Thursday, October 2, 2008

//coin collecting's a lot like life;it stopped being fun a long time ago.//

the apple-pie casserole actually turned out a-okay.

brought in almost all of the herbs and dried them. actually got a lot more than i thought would be there.

it's cold.

there are almost enough jalapenos to make the previously-mentioned jam.

a guy at jake's job keeps bringing him apples from his trees,so i think i'll try my hand at apple-butter this time.

pumpkin pie this week!(not pumpkin casserole.)

in the next couple of days,we're going to bring in the plethora of acorn squash that we grew and make an apple risotto, to be eaten out of acorn squash bowls.

there's also a history of wassail in the last cook-book that mom go us,and it's actually really interesting. i want to have a harvest-a-thon with, among other things, traditional wassail.

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