Friday, December 10, 2010

"I'll have a blue Christmas..."

in a few weeks we will be hosting a holiday dinner party.  I think I probably enjoy the planning and preparation that go into dinner parties more than the party itself-usually, but this is different.  I am excited to say that (at least) for the evening, some of my favorite people in the entire world will be here-in one place!  one of my younger sisters-Jaime (the one I can actually have a conversation with, without *facepalming* the entire time) and her long-time boyfriend Jordan, my close, good friend-Mel (one of my favorites from Brooklyn via Buffalo(currently)), my best, good friend, Lee-from high school and of course, my husband and current best friend-Jacob.

so much yay!

the menu is "appetizer" themed and still in the finishing "brainstorm" phase, so could change/be enhanced. 

fondue "say cheez" gravy (total eye-roll at the name)
stuffing muffins (half with cranberry)
candied yams with Sweet and Sarah vegan "pumpkin spice" marshmallows
glazed carrots
pumpkin mousse w/ginger snap pieces
blueberry/cranberry tarts(galettes?)
baked artichoke dip

(yes, it has been pointed out that this is a very "orange"-themed menu) (whatever)

it has also been pointed out that this menu is lacking in protein (which I'm mostly, "whatevs" about), so Lee is allegedly bringing some kind of lentil chili-may The Force be with her.

also wine (muddled or not or "whatever") and warm spiced cider with rum. 

since my only real defense against wanting to kill myself during the Winter are the holidays and the planning/decorating that (I make)happen, there will be some gift exchanging and Elvis Presley Christmas album-playing...

...and cats wearing reindeer antlers.  but only cats, because I've broken my human-pair :(

oh!  and besides general present-ry that will be happening we have a small pile of stuff from around the house (or that we have never even used)  that we are going to donate, but will have our friends take whatever they might want-first.
which-totally reminds me of the party that we had in Brooklyn before we moved to Oregon that was "getting rid of stuff we  don't want to move across the country"-themed and ended up with Benjamin wearing my Jr. prom dress and playing with dolls...

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