Friday, June 25, 2010

The best alarm clock is sunshine on chrome. -Author Unknown

last week we made a pesto out of our garlic scapes. we were gifted w/the garlic scapes from my mom's garden as they thought they were too creepy to eat. (they are creepy looking, but once they're cut up it's easy to forget since they're filled w/garlic-y goodness.)
i, of course misplaced the recipe that we used but it really doesn't matter since we altered it so much, anyway.
this time the recipe went:

1 C scapes
1/3 C nuts
about 1/2 C oil
a little sprinkling of "cheese" type something or other
salt & pepper to taste.

i also made garlic scape "scallion pancakes" last week, too, which will be revisited as well, as soon as i can get the jar of sesame oil open...

greens of all sorts from both our garden and my mom's. salad it up.

there's some sort of motorbike event at the end of our road again this weekend and for the past few days RVs and pick-ups have been going by in caravans. much-less maddening than the constant rumble of said-bikes on the trail that is directly adjacent to our property.

i think i'm going to make some muffins, later. maybe cranberry. possibly w/walnuts. maybe raisins, idk. feeling indecisive. i just know that i have all of these things! possibly do nothing but go out to the garden as it's supposed to be a pretty rainy weekend.

tomatoes are looking more promising than last year! come on, tomatoes!

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