Tuesday, February 24, 2009

make it okay.

planted a couple of herbs yesterday,before i got really frustrated with dirt/mess/cats. running a humidifier next to the seedlings,see if it does anything besides make the room really humid...probably try to do some more today and be more patient about the whole deal/cats.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

bonfires and gardens...

we got our heirloom seeds yesterday. so many seeds! still gonna be a couple of weeks before i can start seedlings.

not that it's 'mountain news'-y,but it's news...we went to a 'punk' show last night. better than my expectations,but by no means good. 'fag' and 'cunt,' are not synonymous w/bad. i love living in western ny!!! or...i left as soon as i could. boomerang life. oops!

we're still trying to plan out/execute the 'greenhouse' room. we'll see how THAT works out.

don't understand amaranth. we have seeds for it. jake is excited. i continue to shrug my shoulders in confusion about it.

there is still snow. why so much winter?

time to work on a 'zine!!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

//she could be a farmer in those clothes//

we made french toast(obviously vegan...) out of zucchini bread, last night. for the record, the frozen zucchini has a slightly freezer burned taste. but it worked. and we have been super busy with planning the garden.
plus, we actually have the stuff for fencing it off this year.(well,the front one.)
we have a lot of seeds left from last year,which are mostly random ones that mom picked up on sale,plus some that i retrieved from the garden and we ordered well over $100 worth of heirloom seeds.

we're still unclear about heirloom. like,is heirloom always organic? i mean,i'm pretty sure that it isn't the other way around,so i dunno.

are you ready for the giant list? yeah?yeah?yeah?

crappy(regular store-bought) seeds that we had left over from last year:
sweet basil,climbing spinach,regular spinach,dill,parsley,catnip,opal basil,cilantro,sage,sunflower,red sunflower,jalapeno,thai hot pepper,habanero peppers,carrot,garden beans,radish,romaine lettuce,zucchini,cayenne peppers,sweet corn,turnip,nasturtium,nevada summer crisp lettuce,cucumber,okra,four seasons butterhead lettuce,mighty red oak lettuce,black seeded simpson loose leaf lettuce,eggplant,broccoli,peas.

saved from the garden:
dill,cilantro,sunflower,red sunflower,jalapeno,tomato,plum tomato,arugula,thai hot pepper,zucchini,pumpkin.

ordered heirloom seeds:seriously,we just go the small 'seed package'
cumin(yeah,yeah we did),corn,peas,cowpeas(i have no clue),carrots,beets,cabbage,onions,tomatoes,peppers,eggplants,melons,watermelons,cucumber,lettuce,greens,okra,winter squash,summer squash,radishes,turnip,huckleberries(yeah,i dunno),sunflowers,leeks,amaranth(jake's excited...),broccoli,ground cherries(??),kohlrabi,lemon basil,genovese basil,german chamomile,cilantro,catnip,oregano,parsley,cilantro,sage.

we're also starting to use the blue room(since it's on the right-light side of the house) as a pre-garden greenhouse-type room,to be kept cat-free.


we'll see.

the plan is to have two small garden spots to do all of the leftover seeds and zucchini and sunflower plethora in the back.

also going to try to keep an herb garden going indoors all year long.