Sunday, February 22, 2009

bonfires and gardens...

we got our heirloom seeds yesterday. so many seeds! still gonna be a couple of weeks before i can start seedlings.

not that it's 'mountain news'-y,but it's news...we went to a 'punk' show last night. better than my expectations,but by no means good. 'fag' and 'cunt,' are not synonymous w/bad. i love living in western ny!!! or...i left as soon as i could. boomerang life. oops!

we're still trying to plan out/execute the 'greenhouse' room. we'll see how THAT works out.

don't understand amaranth. we have seeds for it. jake is excited. i continue to shrug my shoulders in confusion about it.

there is still snow. why so much winter?

time to work on a 'zine!!

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