Wednesday, July 22, 2009

"He does not need opium. He has the gift of reverie." -Anais Nin

ok, i lied, it only takes between 10-15 snap pea-plants to produce more-than-enough snap-peas. i have about an entire smarty-pants of snap peas...and there are at least that many more on the way.

green beans(of the not-green, but yellow and purple variety) are totally going to be in full effect in a day or so...

lots of greens and salad-y items...

some tomato plants appear to be trying to do something after appearing to have given up...

pumpkin plants look good. i'm vowing to make more pumpkin-ravioli than anyone could EVER NEED, this year. plus, can or freeze the puree for middle-of-winter pumpkin pies...

i'm excited to see the mystery-dahlias as they have budded but have yet to bloom. hopefully pictures to follow.

so many marigolds. mom started no-less than 6,000 and upon saying that i wanted them all around our porch,to ward off mosquitoes, and she keeps gifting me with them...

our corn appears to be stunted,much like our tomato plants appeared...i dunno.

cucumber plants are touch-and-go,really, at this point...we were totally going to "pickle" them this year, if we got as many as last year,but it's not looking so good.

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