Saturday, May 23, 2009

Weed 'em and reap.

it was hot and sweaty yesterday and even though i was up really early today and continue to put in beans and peas around the perimeter of the garden,(so they can climb on the fence) i've managed to get about 50% of them in and i'm dying of sweat and bugs.

stupid rocks! i hate you! and bugs!

the bugs and rocks make me reconsider hobbies and how 'worth it' growing tons of food actually is. i know,i know, i'm just being cranky. it's totally worth it.

and really,what other hobby do i have? tv? the interweb? disciplining cats?

i should get back out there. i know,i know, i'm going. going to finish planting the beans and peas today.

we'll see when the rest get done(i'm going to predict that 'tomorrow', is likely,if it doesn't rain,which we could actually use...)

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